JavaScript Lowercase and Replace Spaces

JavaScript Lowercase and Replace Spaces

How to convert strings to kebab and snake-case
Ferenc Almasi β€’ 2022 April 25 β€’ Read time 1 min read
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We can use a combination of .replace with a regex and .toLowerCase to convert a string into lowercase and replace spaces as well in the following way:

Copied to clipboard! Playground
const string = 'String to Kebab Case'

// Results: β€œstring-to-kebab-case”
const kebab = string.replace(/\W+/g, '-').toLowerCase()

// Results: β€œstring_to_kebab_case”
const snake = string.replace(/\W+/g, '_').toLowerCase()

There are two things to note here for the regex:

  • First, we used the "not word" selector, which will match any character that is not a word. (notice that we have used a plus sign to match 1 or more words)
  • Secondly, we used the g (global) flag to match more for multiple results.

This will select the whitespaces, which then we can replace with either a dash or an underscore, depending on whether we want to go with kebab-case or snake-case. This also works with multiple whitespaces, as well as other signs that should be stripped from the end string, such as the following:

Copied to clipboard!
'String with   multiple  spaces' -> 'string-with-multiple-spaces'
'A & B' -> 'a-b'
Removing unnecessary characters from the string

Hence, it is more flexible than using the whitespace character (\s). Did you know you can also use variables inside regular expressions to create dynamic expressions? Check out the following tutorial:

JavaScript Create Regex From String Variable
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