What are Bitwise Operators?
Bitwise operators treat their operands as bits: zeroes and ones. There are three bitwise operators that you need to know about:
- Bitwise AND:
- Bitwise OR:
- Bitwise NOT:
Each of them used for different purposes.
The bitwise AND operator
The Bitwise AND operator returns 1 in each bit position for which the corresponding bits of both operands are 1. For example:
0 & 0 // returns 0
0 & 1 // returns 0
1 & 0 // returns 0
1 & 1 // returns 1
The bitwise OR operator
Unlike the AND operator, the bitwise OR operator returns 1 in each bit position for which the corresponding bits of either one of the operands are 1. For example:
0 | 0 // returns 0
0 | 1 // returns 1
1 | 0 // returns 1
1 | 1 // returns 1
The bitwise NOT operator
The bitwise NOT operator is used to invert the bits of its operand. For example:
~0 // returns -1
~-1 // returns 0
~1 // returns -2
~-2 // returns 1


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