How to Display Different Images Based on Screen Sizes in HTML

How to Display Different Images Based on Screen Sizes in HTML

Ferenc Almasi β€’ 2020 September 15 β€’ Read time 1 min read
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You can create responsive images right inside HTML, by using the srcset and sizes attributes on images:

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<!-- Use srcset with sizes to display different images based on screen size -->

<img srcset="small-nickcage.jpg 320w,
             medium-nickcage.jpg 768w,
             large-nickcage.jpg 1024w"
     sizes="(max-width: 320px) 280px,
            (max-width: 768px) 720px,
alt="No need for introduction, you already know him" />

srcset defines a comma-separated list of images with their intrinsic size. On the other hand, sizes holds a list of media queries with preferred image sizes. Meaning that if the browser matches the media query, the image will be displayed on the size specified next to the query.

How to Display Different Images Based on Screen Sizes in HTML
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