How to Darken Background to Give Focus
Imagine you want to darken the entire background of your page, except for one element. This can act as a great way to focus the user's attention to the most relevant part of the page, such as an important message, a search bar or a CTA.
You can achieve this effect by using only one CSS property: box-shadow
// This will mask out everything on the page expect for the element
// that has the box shadow.
.input-focused {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 9999px #000000b0;
This works by specifying the spread-radius of the box-shadow
. By increasing the spread, you increase the size of the box-shadow
. The goal is to make it so big, that it covers the whole page.
See how it starts to cover everything as I increase it's value:

You can also start creating interesting effects by defining an element with no content and changing its position through JavaScript.

Experiment With Box-Shadow
You can use the Codepen below to interact with the element and see live how box-shadow
is created :


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