Phaser Roadmap Other roadmaps
Learn how to build JavaScript games using our guided roadmapLearning is a continuous process. If you're already familiar with how JavaScript works and you've built several projects, these tutorials will help you take your skills to the next level. Phaser is a JavaScript game framework that can be used to develop games with JavaScript.
This roadmap will teach you about different game concepts, that you can also use in your daily frontend projects, such as how to detect collision between two elements, or how take user input to interact with different objects.
If you're new to JavaScript, be sure to take the JavaScript roadmap first. If you want to explore more JavaScript tutorials without a direction, you can filter for the tutorials you're interested in on our JavaScript category page. After finishing this roadmap, you can continue with our React roadmap.
What is covered?
Phaser 3 basics
Working with tilemaps and sprites
Camera and character movement
Game objects
Game UI
Collision detection
High score system
Dynamically spawning game objects
Working with timers
1Part I.Learn how you can use a JavaScript game framework called Phaser to recreate the base gameplay mechanics of the famous Super Mario with only JavaScript. 2How to Remake Mario in Phaser
Part II.Learn how you can use Phaser and Tiled to create various interactive game objects with different behaviors. 3How to Remake Mario in Phaser
Part III.In this part, we'll increase the challenge by making the player die if they hit a goomba, and we also let them win the game by reaching the flag. 4How to Remake Chrome's Dino in Phaser
Part I.Learn how you can use a JavaScript game framework called PhaserJS to recreate the base gameplay mechanics of the Dinosaur game with only JavaScript. 5How to Remake Chrome's Dino in Phaser
Part II.Learn how to work with game UI elements in Phaser, and how to dynamically spawn different game objects. 6How to Remake Chrome's Dino in Phaser
Part III.Learn how to implement a high score system, how to handle game over states, and how to create a restart functionality. 7Recreate Breakout with Emojis in JavaScript
Creating your very first game in PhaserLearn how you can use the Phaser game framework to your advantage to build the famous Breakout game entirely in JavaScript. 812 JavaScript Game Ideas
JavaScript game projects with tutorials and source code providedLearn more about game development in JavaScript from beginner to more advanced concepts with these game ideas.
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