Building JavaScript Projects Other roadmaps
Learn how to work with JavaScript using our guided roadmapLearning is a continuous process. If you are already familiar with how JavaScript works, these projects will help you put theory into practice. Solidify your knowledge by building the following components and applications.
If you are new to JavaScript, be sure to take the JavaScript roadmap first. If you want to explore more JavaScript tutorials without a direction, you can filter for the tutorials you are interested in on our JavaScript category page. After finishing this roadmap, you can continue with our React roadmap.
1Building a carousel in vanilla JavaScript with zoom effectsLearn how you can build a carousel from scratch and how to smoothly zoom images in and out in JavaScript. 2Building a Customizable Modal
In less than 50 lines of codeLearn how you can create a customizable modal in JavaScript with the ability to customize text and buttons in less than 50 lines of code. 3Building a Pagination Component
Learn how to work with template literalsLearn how you can build a reusable pagination component in vanilla JavaScript with the ability to customize it with a function call. 4How to Implement Drag and Drop
With the help of the HTML Drag and Drop APILearn how you can build a drag-and-drop Kanban board in JavaScript with the help of the native HTML Drag and Drop API. 5How to Make Exit-Intent Popups
Making popups appear just at the right timeLearn how you can implement exit-intent popups in JavaScript to trigger their appearance just at the right time when users are about to leave your page. 6JavaScript Password Generator
Learn how to build a customizable password generator in vanilla JavaScriptLearn how you can create a JavaScript password generator app with customizable options. (source code provided) 7How to Build Hangman in JavaScript
With the help of Node.jsLearn how you can build the famous hangman game in JavaScript with the help of Node.js as a command-line game. 8How to Create a Memory Game
Improve your memory, and your JavaScript skillsIn this tutorial, we will be looking into how you can recreate a memory game with flipping cards in vanilla JavaScript. 9How to Recreate Tic-Tac-Toe
Building games in vanilla JavaScriptLearn how you can recreate the famous tic-tac-toe game in vanilla JavaScript in less than 100 lines of code. 10Easter Egg Hunt Game in JavaScript
With the help of Party.jsLearn how you can create an Easter egg hunt game in JavaScript with the help of CSS animations and party.js. 11Export HTML Tables to Excel
Using two different solutionsLearn how you can export HTML tables to excel in two different ways, with and without 3rd party libraries, using JavaScript. 12How to Make Colorful Fireworks in Vanilla JavaScript
With the help of the Canvas APILearn how you can create beautiful and colorful fireworks in vanilla JavaScript with the help of the Canvas API - get the full source code from GitHub. 13Introduction to ThreeJS
Making an interactive 3D planet in JavaScriptLearn how you can use Three.js to create 3D worlds inside your browser using JavaScript and WebGL. 14How to Make the Snake Game in JavaScript
Using only checkboxesLearn about DOM manipulation through the example of recreating the snake game in HTML and JavaScript, using only checkboxes. 15100 JavaScript Project Ideas
From Junior to SeniorAre you looking for your next JavaScript project to take on? Here are 100 JavaScript project ideas for you to choose from, with linked resources to tutorials and designs.π Unlock this lesson 16How to Build a Sort & Filterable Table
Learn how to sort and filter tables in JavaScriptLearn how you can implement sort and filter functionality for tables in JavaScript using various array methods.π Unlock this lesson 17How to Build a Food Expiry Tracker
Storing and retrieving expiring foods in your browserLearn how you can use the Local Storage API to store data in the browser and how to combine it with the DOM to display the stored data.π Unlock this lesson 18How to Track the Position of ISS
Displaying data from remote resourcesLearn how you can combine the Fetch API with the DOM to display data from a remote resource.π Unlock this lesson 19How to Make a Recipes App
With support for tracking ingredientsLearn how you can modularize your JavaScript application and combine multiple web APIs to create a functioning app for storing and managing recipes.
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