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3 Best Beginner TypeScript Courses on Udemy

Get up and running with TypeScript
Ferenc Almasi β€’ 2023 June 15

TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It adds optional static typing, classes, interfaces, and other features to JavaScript, making it a strongly typed language that can catch type-related issues early on. When you are just starting out with TypeScript, it's hard to know where to start and what to learn.

In this article, we are going to take a look at the three best beginner-friendly Udemy courses that can help you get up and running with TypeScript. If you are looking for a quick recommendation, we suggest the following options based on your time frame:

For those looking for more in-depth information, let's explore the five best beginner TypeScript courses on Udemy.

Understanding TypeScript

Our very first recommendation is the Understanding TypeScript course by Academind. Maximilian SchwarzmΓΌller, the creator of Academind, teaches all about core concepts, generics, and how to work with TypeScript in React in this course.

The Academind YouTube channel has garnered more than 800,000 subscribers over the years with hundreds of free tutorials, many of which cover the topic of TypeScript.

Understanding TypeScript

In this course, you will gain a clear understanding of what TypeScript is really about and how it works. You will be introduced to features such as types, interfaces, generics, and decorators, and learn how to utilize them in various projects.

using TypeScript in JavaScript
The course starts off by introducing TypeScript in the context of JavaScript

The course also includes lessons on using TypeScript in React projects and making your components type-safe. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to practice TypeScript in real-world projects, such as building Drag and Drop functionality.

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Mastering TypeScript

Our next pick is the Mastering TypeScript course by Colt Steele. Colt Steele has helped more than 1 million students on Udemy take their skills to the next level and has contributed to various topics, including TypeScript.

Mastering TypeScript

This course will guide you through the basics of TypeScript and cover all of its syntax. You will learn how to work with interfaces, generics, classes, and modules. The course is divided into distinct sections, such as function types, object types, and array types, providing an easy-to-follow path to mastering TypeScript.

TypeScript enums demonstrated through high-quality visual examples
TypeScript enums demonstrated through high-quality visual examples

The course also includes a mini-project, allowing you to see TypeScript in action. By the end of the course, you will also gain knowledge on how to use TypeScript in the world of React and how to type React-specific features, such as props, state, and hooks.

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TypeScript for Professionals

Last but not least, TypeScript for Professionals is a course by Basarat Ali Syed, a Microsoft MVP who takes you through the basics of TypeScript to expert levels using more than 70 well-separated lessons.

If you are short on time and looking for a course that can get you up and running as quickly as possible, then this course is perfect for you.

TypeScript for Professionals

The course is divided into the following five sections:

Lookup types in TypeScript
Discussing lookup types in the TypeScript for Professionals course

By the end of this course, you will have no problem using TypeScript in real-world applications and applying the practices learned to new projects.

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Now it's time to start your journey in learning TypeScript. Do you also want to strengthen your JavaScript knowledge? Make sure to check out the following collection of JavaScript courses that will help you learn everything you need to know.

7 Best Udemy Courses For Mastering JavaScript
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