3 Best Beginner CSS Courses on Educative
CSS is a fundamental part of the web that lets you create stunning designs, interactive elements, and animations. When you are new to CSS, it can be hard to know where to start.
In this article, we are going to take a look at the three best beginner-friendly Educative courses that can help you get up and running with CSS. Educative is known for its highly interactive courses with so-called "playgrounds" where you can interactively play around with code.
If you are looking for a quick recommendation, we suggest the following options based on your experience:
- Best overall: Web Page Styling with CSS
- Best with HTML included: Web Essentials
- Shortest course: The Complete Beginner's Guide to CSS
For those looking for more in-depth information, let's explore the three best beginner CSS courses on Educative.
Web Page Styling With CSS#
Our very first recommendation is the Web Page Styling skill path. Skill paths are roadmaps consisting of multiple modules. This skill path consists of seven modules that will guide you through everything you need to know about CSS, from the box model to building actual projects.
This skill path will also introduce you to more powerful versions of CSS, such as how to use Sass or how to start working with Tailwind CSS, which can help you speed up your workflow.
- π Lessons: 297
- π¨βπ» Playgrounds: 359
- π Hours of Content: 22
- π¨ Illustrations: 293
The skill path also includes various projects to make learning easier through practical examples. You will learn how to build a movie order page, a sign-up page for a startup, or how to design and style mobile-first websites.
By completing this skill path, you will not only have the necessary skills to confidently use CSS, but you will also have a portfolio of projects at your disposal that you can use as a reference for future employers.
Web Essentials#
Our next pick is the Web Essentials skill path. This skill path consists of three modules and shares the same module as the previous skill path. However, if you would like to learn HTML and the basics of web development before diving into CSS, then this skill path is right for you.
This skill path starts off by introducing you to the fundamentals of web development, such as how the browser works, the basics of HTTP requests, and some common principles of software engineering.
- π Lessons: 180
- π¨βπ» Playgrounds: 216
- π Hours of Content: 34
- π¨ Illustrations: 240
The next module continues with HTML, where you will learn not only about HTML tags but also about semantic HTML, which is essential for SEO. Throughout this module, you will have the opportunity to practice your skills through self-evaluation exercises. The skill path's last module focuses on CSS. It covers the same lessons as the previous skill path, so there is no difference in terms of content.
The Complete Beginnerβs Guide to CSS#
Last but not least, The Complete Beginnerβs Guide to CSS is the shortest on this list. Unlike skill paths, this interactive course is not divided into different well-separated modules but consists only of lessons.
- π Lessons: 54
- π¨βπ» Playgrounds: 104
- π Hours of Content: 5
- π¨ Illustrations: 38
The course is designed for those who want to learn CSS as quickly as possible with minimal time investment. It starts by covering the core concepts of CSS, such as why CSS is cascading and how inheritance works. It also explains different CSS specificity levels and the definition of the box model.
Throughout the course, you will learn how to work with different CSS units, as well as how to manipulate backgrounds, colors, and layouts using techniques like flexbox. By the end of the course, you will be familiar with CSS transitions and animations, and you will have an understanding of various CSS architectures, and how they can be utilized in different projects.
Now it's time to start your journey in learning CSS. Once you have a grasp of the basics, you can explore adding interactivity to your websites with JavaScript.
If you are more interested in video-based CSS courses, you might want to check out the following collection. It will help you get up and running with CSS.

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