How to Publish Your First NPM Package

How to Publish Your First NPM Package

With the help of NP
Ferenc Almasi • 2021 January 12 • Read time 6 min read
Learn how you can use np — an npm package — to more easily publish your very own npm packages.
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The Node Package Manager — or npm for short — has been helping developers since 2010 to create and distribute packages with ease, such as React or Svelte. At the writing of this tutorial, it has almost 1.5 million packages for you to use in your next project.

Almost 1.5 million packages published on NPM as of the beginning of 2021

These packages can be installed in any project through CLI with the npm i <package-name> command. You can also install them globally by appending a -g flag to the command:

npm i -g <package-name>

This means you can use the package outside of your project, anywhere on your computer. When packages are used as dependencies of a project, NPM can install multiple packages using the package.json file, which also keeps track of the version of the dependencies.

Copied to clipboard!
    "name": "npm",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "",
    "main": "index.js",
    "scripts": {
        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
    "keywords": [],
    "author": "",
    "license": "ISC"
An example package.json generate with npm init -y

Making Your First NPM Package

To publish your own package, you need to create a package first. You can create a new empty NPM project by running npm init -y. This will create a package.json file with the above properties.

You may want to fill out all the fields as they will be visible on npm. You can view different packages on You also want to create a file where you offer documentation to your visitors on how they can use your package.

Make sure the main file exists — in this case, index.js — as this will be resolved, once someone tries to import your package with an import statement. Also don’t forget to export your package in the file, so it can be imported.

Publishing Packages With NP

To publish an NPM package, we are going to use another package, called np. It is created specifically for publishing NPM packages. This is because as part of publishing, you may want to go over a number of different steps, that you may forget to do each time, such as:

  • Running the test to verify your changes
  • Updating your package.json version number, using semantic versioning
  • Creating the appropriate git tag for the version
  • Pushing the changes both to GitHub and NPM
  • Writing the changelog for the release

To start creating NPM packages in the first hand, you need to register an account on npmjs, if you haven’t got one already. Go to and create a new account.

Sign up form on npmjs
Note that the email address you are registering with, may be publicly available

Make sure you verify your email address after account creation, otherwise you may get 403 errors while trying to publish your package.

Once you’ve signed up, you can log in to your account inside your project through the command line, by running npm login.

After you’re logged in, install np globally by running npm i -g np. Then by running np in your project directory, you can start the process of publishing packages.

What are the prerequisites?

Before you start publishing, however, you need to make sure of a couple of things:

  • You need to have a GitHub repository attached to your project. Otherwise the prerequisite check step will fail.
  • You also need to have a clean working directory, so make sure you either commit or stash your changes.
  • np will also run the npm run test command. By default, this will make np fail because of the exit 1 command at the end. Make sure you remove that.
Copied to clipboard!
"scripts": {
-   "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
+   "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\""

Now that you have everything set up, you can run np to start publishing.

NP will ask you the version number
You can select your version through an interactive CLI

First, np will ask you how you want to increment the version number. It uses semantic versioning. After you choose a version, it will start running the checks for each step.

If you get 403 errors asking if you are logged in as the correct user, you may trying to publish a package that already exists on npm. You can check if a package exists by simply navigating to<package-name>. If the package exists, you need to rename the name field in your package.json file.

If all the names you come up with are already taken, you can also scope the package to your username, and name the package as @user/package-name.

If you still get 403 errors because of two-factor authentication, you can disable it through the CLI by running np with the --no-2fa flag.

All the steps of np

If everything goes well, you should see all the above steps turning green. After it finished creating a release draft on GitHub, it will automatically open a browser tab for you with all your changes included as a description for the release.


How to test packages locally

Now, whenever you publish completely new packages, or major updates, you may also want to test your changes locally before deploying a new version. To do this, you can use the npm link command. This is used for symlinking packages. Simply run npm link in your package folder, then jump into another project where you want to try out your package. You can then run npm link <package-name> to link it to your project.

Copied to clipboard!
- cd package-folder
- npm link

- cd project-folder
- npm link package-folder
symlinking packages

Any changes you make to package-folder, will also be reflected while you use that package in the project-folder.

How to deploy only the distribution files

If you try to pull your npm package with npm i <package-name>, you may notice that your whole project is distributed, and this may not be what you want. Rather, you only want the distribution files to be deployed, so others can pull in your transpiled and minified version of your package.

In order to do this, you can specify the files you want to copy in your package.json file using the files array. For example, to only copy the files from your dist folder, you would do:

Copied to clipboard!
"files": [

Note that files specified here cannot be excluded through your .gitignore or .npmignore file. Regardless of what you specify in your files array, some files will always be included, such as your package.json or README / LICENSE files. Likewise, some files will always be ignored, such as .git or your node_modules.

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And now you should have your new NPM package ready to use by everyone. You can view your package on npmjs under your profile, as well as directly visiting<your-package-name>.

When publishing new packages, make sure you always include thorough documentation with examples as well as a changelog on what was changed in your version. If you want contributions, it’s also a good thing to add a

Do you have experience with publishing NPM packages? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! Thank you for taking the time to read this article, happy deploying!

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