HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the core building block of all websites on the internet. It's the standard markup language for creating web pages; the text you're reading at this moment is also created with HTML.

In the early days, HTML could only be used to create hyperlinked documents, but it's becoming more and more capable. Now you can use it for sending customized emails, creating modals and popovers, and many other things to improve interactivity.

Why Should I Learn HTML?

Still, the question remains: Why should I care about learning HTML? What's in it for me? Here are four reasons to help you decide whether you should invest your time in learning HTML:

Show Me How HTML Works

Let's take a look at a simple example to see how HTML works. In the following code, we have a date picker that is restricted between two dates and only allows us to pick every second day.

Copied to clipboard! Playground
    Select a date:
Example of a date picker in HTML

To better understand what this code does, let's break it down line by line:

To see what will be rendered to the page using the above HTML, use the interactive example below. Click on the label (Select a date) to see how it forwards the focus to the input field.

(Selected date: unset)

Where Should I Start?

If you are new to HTML, you should start with the fundamentals. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the syntax and how layout works in HTML. If you'd like some guidance, we have a guided roadmap that shows you a concrete direction you can take:

Master HTML

Next, you should familiarize yourself with how formatting works and what are the basic HTML elements you can use to format documents. You can also look into working with media elements, such as images or SVG, or how to create lists and tables, and lastly, how to use forms.

Make sure you do not confuse HTML with the DOM.

Once you are familiar with the basics and you are comfortable with creating HTML documents, you can start exploring more advanced concepts, such as integrating CSS to create expandable tables or using JavaScript to create custom form behavior.

If you would like to learn more about HTML, you can find all of our latest tutorials below. Use the filters in the sidebar if you want to narrow down the results. Additionally, you can filter for HTML-related tutorials on our search page. I wish you good luck with learning HTML!

Keep on coding! πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

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